+263 292 287699 morningstarcabyo@gmail.com

Contact Us

The enrolment of students is done by an individual assessment of the applicant(s). Part of the assessment comes in the form of a diagnostic test.

The Child is given a diagnostic test to determine current academic ability and clearly identifies any learning gaps within all subjects. For example, a child is then placed in curriculum at his/her academic performance grade level in each subject and the learning gaps are then addressed to meet a student’s specific learning needs and capabilities.

To book an appointment with our office please feel free to email using the form below or call us on the phone number provided.

Contact Details

Phone: +263 292 287699

Email: morningstarcabyo@gmail.com

Address: 14870 Umtshwayeli Rd, Selborne Park, Bulawayo

Hours: Mon – Fri 8 am – 1 pm

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