+263 292 287699 morningstarcabyo@gmail.com

Morning Star

Christian Academy

A Warm Welcome From The Principal…

Morning Star Christian Academy was established in 2008 for the purpose of providing a safe, secure, Christian learning environment. We believe that God has created each individual child uniquely, therefore we thrive to develop each child’s potential and to make learning an individualized process.

The moral standards and manners of the world today have deteriorated at an alarming rate. However, we at Morning Star Christian Academy use the unchanging Word of God as our moral standard and plumb line for truth. We teach the importance of respect towards authority, good manners, self-control, self-discipline and Christian values which are essential to the well-being and development of a young individual, both in his presence and for his future success.

At Morning Star we nurture the atmosphere of a family environment, as we encourage students to be themselves and respect their peers. With such a holistic education, we encourage students to not only build themselves but to better their communities.